Literature that we published in 2019
Anthony Lamar Reid
*Winner of the Amendment Literary Award
Hernon Henderson
Anthony Lamar Reid
Cecilia Doss
Anthony Lamar Reid
S.I. Lee
“Don’t Worry, Chubby Chasers Will Still Fuck You”
Delaney Burk
Cecilia Doss
Emily Henderson
Nadia Leiby
Emma Winstead
Nadia Leiby
Damara Sparks
Nadia Leiby
“Georgia O’Keeffe Never Painted Vaginas”
Delaney Burk
Half a Year is Really Pushing It
Alexzane Taylor
He Nearly Spent His Chemo Treatment on Elton John Tickets
Delaney Burk
Calvin Graves
Circles (and Ovals) and Spheres
Emily Henderson
Cecilia Doss
Logan Sullivan
Elliott Martin