Multimedia made by VCU students that we published online in 2018
Only Chance by Sue Jun (Grand Prize Winner of the 2018 Amendment Film Festival)
Pabula by Sydney Cordoba (Staff Pick of the 2018 Amendment Film Festival)
Visually Similar by Noelle Manfredi (Staff Pick of the 2018 Amendment Film Festival)
MY MASS (My Angel, My Flesh, and Blood) by Zephyr Sheedy (Staff Pick of the 2018 Amendment Film Festival)
Survivor Audition Tape by Nora Sanchez
calm/pound by Michelle Koppl and Zoe Wampler
Brainstorm by Mia Westkaemper
emulsify by Taylor Black
Your Callouses by Olivia Duke
August 7th by Mia Westkaemper
In Bello by Alicia Olivo featuring performer Deonta Featherston
The Embroidering of a Thread by Megan Rogers
Hands Up by D’Anna Johnson