Art that we published in 2019
- Veilied I by D’Anna Lee
- Veilied II by D’Anna Lee
Invader by Elle Vidano
Chivalry Ain’t Dead by Syd Lewin
I’d Like to Think I was a King Once by Byron Edge
Wake Me Up When It’s Time to Vote by Rice Evans
Boxes to Check by Nicole Garnhart
Erik (series) by Damara Sparks
not your covergirl (series) by Joslina Quaynor
PULP by Carleigh Ross
Of Mind and Body by Sierra Webb
Now or Never by Alexzane Taylor
Jónel (series) by Damara Sparks
In Isolation by Byron Edge
A Black Woman in America by Stella Assefa
Heavy by Logan Sullivan
they/them by Elle Vidano